The Bachelor of Science in Integrated Studies: Social Sciences is designed for adult learners who want to build on their existent education by engaging with subjects across Social Sciences disciplines. Students acquire the foundation for career development and lifelong learning, honing skills in writing, deep reading, research and critical thinking. By approaching subjects across disciplines, learners consider and analyze issues using multiple lenses.

Students learn to appreciate differences across cultures, in different areas of work and life, and among individuals. They deepen their understanding of problems, test new approaches to challenges, and learn to solve issues creatively.


Units of Basic Requirements


Units of Distribution Requirements


Units in Social Sciences

Basic Requirements – 18 units

All School of Continuing & Professional Studies undergraduate students must satisfy the same general-education requirements.

  • Analytical Writing (U11 111)*
  • Critical and Researched Writing (U11 203)*
  • One additional 3-unit advanced writing course, which may be chosen from EComp 304 Exposition, EComp 3120 Argumentation, EComp 324 Writing for Public Speaking, or EComp 331 Technical Writing.*
  • One 3-unit course in numerical applications with a minimum grade of C-
  • One 3-unit course in moral reasoning
  • One 3-unit course in cultural diversity: Courses that satisfy the cultural diversity requirement explore issues of global human diversity and the interactions among cultures.

These requirements are effective as of Spring 2023. Students admitted to School of Continuing & Professional Studies programs prior to Spring 2023 are expected to fulfill the requirements in place at the time of their admission.

This program is offered either mostly or fully online. Students entering the U.S. on an F-1 or J-1 Visa must enroll in a program full time. F-1 students are only permitted to enroll in one online course per semester and J-1 students may only enroll in non-credit online courses that do not count toward their degree program. The School of Continuing & Professional Studies (CAPS) cannot guarantee face-to-face enrollment options each semester of full time enrollment, therefore cannot issue an I-20 or DS 2019 to F-1 and J-1 students for this program. If you are an F-1 or J-1 student and wish to enroll in a CAPS program while here on a Visa, please contact our recruitment team to discuss your options for face-to-face program enrollment. F-1 and J-1 students should not enroll in online courses or programs without first consulting the university’s Office for International Students and Scholars (OISS).

*Students who receive a grade lower than a C- in EComp 111 Analytical Writing taken at the School of Continuing & Professional Studies must repeat the course. Students who receive a grade lower than a C- in EComp 203 Critical and Researched Writing taken at the School of Continuing & Professional Studies must, in consultation with the Department of English and the School of Continuing & Professional Studies, choose between two options to satisfy the requirement: (1) repeat the course; or (2) complete a 3-unit composition tutorial with a grade of C or higher. Students who have completed English composition courses at another college or university should be well prepared for the required writing courses at the School of Continuing & Professional Studies, and transfer credit will be awarded for this work according to our regular transfer credit policies. However, new students will begin with EComp 111 in the School of Continuing & Professional Studies. Students who feel they have a strong writing background may petition to take a placement test to demonstrate the skills needed to begin with EComp 203 instead. All students will complete EComp 203 and a 300-level writing course at the School of Continuing & Professional Studies.

Distribution Requirements – 27 units

27 units, 9 units in each area noted below.  Field-of-study courses also may fulfill basic and distribution requirements; however, each distribution area must include course work from at least two disciplines:

  • Humanities: (9 credits) Courses from Art History, Classics, History, Literature, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Creative Writing, Film Studies, Foreign Languages, Music, and Speech
  • Social Sciences: (9 credits) Courses from Anthropology; Economics; Political Science; Psychology; Sociology; and Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
  • Natural Sciences & Mathematics: (9 credits) Courses from Biology, Chemistry, Earth & Planetary Sciences, Physics, General Science, and Mathematics & Statistics

These requirements are effective as of Summer 2023. Students admitted to CAPS programs prior to Summer 2023 are expected to fulfill the requirements in place at the time of their admission.

Additional Information

Advanced Courses

At least 30 units of advanced courses must be completed at Washington University.

Residency Requirement

Students working toward the Bachelor of Science degree at Washington University must complete the final 36 units of course work at Washington University. At least half of the units for the major must be completed at Washington University.

Additional Elective Courses

Students must complete a total of 120 credit units of course work for the degree by taking additional courses in either the liberal arts or professional areas. No more than 10 percent of a student’s course work may be in independent work (including internships, directed readings), and no more than 60 units in one department may count toward the degree.

Grade Requirements

To receive the Bachelor of Science degree, you must maintain a 2.0 GPA in all courses taken and receive a grade of C- or better in all courses applied to your major.

Field of Study Requirements – 27 units plus a 3-unit capstone (to total 30 units)

Students in BSIS programs must complete certificates [link to certs page] that tailor their degrees to their educational and professional goals. Students in BSIS programs must also each complete a Community Engagement course. A designated course in the Social Sciences program will fulfill this requirement.

Choose 27 units from Social Sciences courses, including these disciplines:

  • Anthropology
  • Economics
  • Political Science
  • Psychology
  • Sociology
  • Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

Required capstone: 3 units

Students must also complete a 3-unit capstone essay in which they reflect on the integration of a topic across fields within the chosen concentration.

Note: At least 15 units in the field of study must be in upper-level (300-level and higher) courses.

Application Requirements

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