The School of Continuing & Professional Studies will meet educational needs and provide career pathways for St. Louis learners who are academically capable but have historically not had access to a Washington University education.
Serve modern learners from any socioeconomic background at any life stage through degrees, custom training and upskilling.
Helping modern learners overcome the social, cultural and financial constraints that have kept higher education out of reach.
Support success by recognizing the unique experiences and needs of modern learners in our educational environment.
Align with key internal and external stakeholders to support upward mobility and career advancement to ensure certificates and degrees align with regional job market needs.
Student-Focused: Students’ success is at the center of our planning and decision-making.
Equitable and Inclusive: Equitable treatment in interactions with students, each other and the community.
Committed to Excellence: Expecting the highest professional standards in all that we do
Partnership Oriented: Collaboration, open communication, and a culture of trust are essential to a healthy and successful organization.
Innovative: Through collaboration, continuous improvement and operational excellence.