Somatic practices promote integrated personal development by training students in processes for mindful, embodied living; they complement disciplines of inquiry and knowledge related to the human body and mind. Although these disciplines are relatively new to Western thought, somatic practices are recognized in numerous ancient and contemporary cultures not only as beneficial to physical health but also as methods for the cultivation of the mind and the discovery of knowledge. Such experience may inform and complement knowledge in such areas as biology, neuroscience, physics, psychology, philosophy, anthropology and religious studies. Somatic practices also have applied value in professions such as education, performing arts, athletics, medicine and physical therapy. Students are able to complete this certificate online, however, course availability may vary depending on the semester.
The Certificate in Somatic Studies offers a diverse spectrum of established movement processes aimed at self-development, with courses taught by certified instructors in their respective disciplines. With the coordinator’s approval, a maximum of 3 units of course work from other disciplines may be applied to the Certificate in Somatic Studies.
Students entering the U.S. on an F-1 or J-1 Visa must enroll in a program full time. F-1 students are only permitted to enroll in one online course per semester and J-1 students may only enroll in non-credit online courses that do not count toward their degree program. WashU Continuing & Professional Studies (CAPS) cannot guarantee face-to-face enrollment options each semester of full time enrollment, therefore cannot issue an I-20 or DS 2019 to F-1 and J-1 students for this program. If you are an F-1 or J-1 student and wish to enroll in a CAPS program while here on a Visa, please contact our recruitment team to discuss your options for face-to-face program enrollment. F-1 and J-1 students should not enroll in online courses or programs without first consulting the university’s Office for International Students and Scholars (OISS).
Program Course Work – 15 Units
The program is composed of a minimum of 15 credit units of course work, including the required 2-unit course Introduction to Somatic Practices (U31 285), which is an introductory survey of a variety of practices offered in the program, complemented by lectures on related disciplines such as biology, philosophy and psychology.
Students choose an additional 13 units from the courses noted below according to their individual interests and goals. With the coordinator’s approval, a maximum of 3 units of other course work, including courses from other disciplines, may be applied to the Certificate in Somatic Studies.
Note: Courses that apply to the Certificate in Somatic Studies must be taken for a letter grade. If a course is offered as pass/fail only, certificate candidates should inform the instructor and contact the registrar to verify that they are registered for graded credit.
- U31 104 – Body Conditioning
- U31 110 – Topics in Dance: Alexander Technique
- U31 115 – Beginning T’ai Chi Ch’uan I
- U31 116 – Beginning T’ai Chi Ch’uan II
- U31 119 – Body-Mind Balance
- U31 120 – Yoga and Relaxation Techniques
- U31 208 – Introduction to Pilates
- U31 209 – Awareness Through Movement: The Feldenkrais Method
- U31 212 – Contact Improvisation
- U31 220 – Intermediate Yoga
- U31 221 – Mind Body Movement: Yoga and Pilates
- U31 285 – Introduction to Somatic Practices — Required
- U31 324 – Creative Dance Movement for Grades K-5
- U31 385 – Special Studies in Somatics
- U31 430 – Applied Anatomy for the Performing Artist
Application Requirements
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